On Sunday Daisy completed the Eton Dorney 20k run in a time of 1:53:01 and is on target to complete the London Marathon in just under 4 hours. Overall, Daisy was the 10th female and I'm pleased to say was in good shape at the end, which bodes well. She also managed to “pull” a running partner on the day, Tony – 73 yrs old who has 23 marathons under his belt, the two of them paced each other the whole race.
The start of the race. |
"In youth we learn; in age we understand. " ~Marie Ebner-Eschenbach Dasy and the lovely Tony! |
You can donate via their JustGiving page http://www.justgiving.com/DaisyGresswell-JoUnsworth OR to save time they have set up a quick text method for sponsorship:
Just send a text to 70070 and in the message type the code: DGJU99 and on the next line put the amount you wish to sponsor in £s
· DGJU99
· With the amount £????
· To
· 70070
You will also be able to add Gift Aid at no extra cost
Many thanks to Daisy's supportive parents for providing the photographs and a great deal of the information.
Daisy looking remarkably well and Jo providing support. |